More Influence Through This Vocal Tip By Roger Love
Recently I received this newsletter from the world famous vocal coach Roger Love. Yes, our voice alone makes a huge difference in our communication. But because Roger is the expert, I’ll let him go at it… I love to speak about how sound is all about vibrations. I teach people how to create the right […]
Where Do You Go To Express Yourself?
The goal of speaking is to connect with your audience. Once you are connected to you audience life is so much easier, because your presentation becomes a dialogue with the audience. Connect with your audience and they will laugh with you. Connect with your audience and they will clap for you. Connect with your audience […]
The famous misinterpretation of the 7%-38%-55% rule in speaking
We are all used to speak since being little kids. And as we grow up we constantly improve our vocabulary, grammar and syntax to better express our wants and beliefs. Voice and body language rather seem to adapt automatically to our words. Only later, we realize that we can heavily influence the impact of what […]
When is it perfect?
I love to cook. Why? Because cooking is not just about food. “Excitement, that’s what cooking is all about” says Jamie Oliver. Seeing Jamie Oliver cook, it’s obvious that his style is unique. Jamie’s shows are about atmosphere (check out his ‘Jamie at home’ series), simplicity and engaging all the senses in a divine dance […]
Why is speaking an art?
How do innovation and opera go together? And what does this have to do with public speaking? A few weeks ago I visited an evening lecture on innovation at Munichs University of Applied Sciences. The guest “speakers” were a theatrical team from a successful local opera house. This team was comprised of the managing director, […]
Speaking Artist Academy – The journey begins
The word of the day: Finally we are online and we look forward to receiving your ideas, feedback, comments, questions, excitement, and happiness – you name it! Check out our upcoming news on Facebook and Twitter: facebook.com/SpeakingArtist twitter.com/speaking_artist Cheers. Carlo & Kevin